Saturday, September 8, 2012

Haying With Foxes

Yesterday, I was raking the rows of hay before we baled them.  From my tractor seat I saw two red, long-tailed foxes hunting for groceries in the field.  It is easier for the foxes to shop when the hay has been cut into rows.  I realized that while I was simply harvesting hay, I was being helpful to someone else.  We are more connected in this world than we realize.  Now and again, God gives us moments of grace to see this connection.

1 comment:

  1. I have been helpful, too. This summer I dug and planted and weeded and hoed my garden (did I mention weeding?) all for the enjoyment of the local rabbits. Boulder County has seen an explosion of rabbits this year and I swear they're all in my garden.

    I will rethink my position on this matter and will try to see it as a moment of grace.
    I promise, I'll try!

    We are looking forward to your return to Boulder. We've missed you!
