Monday, May 20, 2013

Corpus Christi

The Feast Day is coming up and parishes are gearing up to have a liturgy where everyone looks at a round white host, while ignoring one another.  I have no problem with the host being God.  It is the ignoring part that strikes me as odd.  Wasn't the original Body of Christ the community of persons?  Christ was in our bodies before we had tabernacle boxes and churches.  Why not have the pastors go to the parish kitchens and cook up a big meal to serve to all the parishioners who come by?  Maybe even serve anyone who comes by.


  1. WE are the Body of Christ. Too bad that often seems forgotten by the hierarchy, clergy and laity alike.

  2. when I read your blog, the Catholic faith sounds like one I want to be part of - loving, tolerant, kind. When I read in the papers and listen to some other clergy, the church is strict, paternalistic - almost mean. Two churches or two interpretations?

  3. I want to belong to the church that Fr. Terry describes. Unfortunately, this past week my 91 year old mother passed away. I know she is happier with God. But the priest from the church she belonged to for 60 years did nothing to make her way easier nor to bring the mourners closer to God. I know we are all human with frailties but he did not do what God asked of him.
