Saturday, May 11, 2013

Playing God

Page 62 of the "Big Book" of AA says that when you try to fix yourself you are playing God.  Fixing you is God's job.  Now you say you don't believe in God.  Fair enough.  Now when you try to fix yourself, i.e. get rid of a bad habit, you are playing the part of someone you don't even think exists.  How many bad habits have you dropped on your own efforts?  So, at least we can agree that "Alone" does not work for improvement in this area.  Try this.  Think about jumping up.  What happens?  You come down to the same place where you started.  You cannot stay up.  It is called gravity, which we cannot see or touch, but we know that when we jump up, we come down in the same place.  Now a rocket can change this.  Get onto a rocket and up you go.  The rocket beats gravity.  Problem is, the rocket can do but one thing.  It goes in one direction until it runs out of fuel or malfunctions.  The rocket does not care that you are attached.  It has no interest in you.  When it stops going up, you are screwed.  Yes, you have overcome gravity for a bit, and will come down, very fast and hard, to a new spot.  Gravity wins again.  Now God is a bit like the rocket.  But God attaches to you, embraces you and loves you.  God lifts you up and gently holds you.  When you are let down, you are in a different spot.  You did nothing but stay connected.  Being moved to a different spot is like getting rid of a bad habit.  Coming down to the same spot on your own efforts is like  keeping a bad habit.  Just sayin'  I would rather believe in something that rids me of my mess, instead of disbelieving and remaining miserable.  Faith is hard?  Misery is worse.

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