Friday, May 30, 2014

Asian Jesus

Yet one more theologian from India is trying to portray Jesus for India.  Some Vatican noses are out of joint.  A big problem is that the Jesus of Western Europe has co-oped the Jesus of the Bible.  Jesus was anything but Western European.  However, when we try to bring Jesus to other non-Western cultures, we seem to always drag western European values and images with him.  The Vatican is still a West European world of Greek philosophy, Reformation World arguments and Age of Enlightenment.  Jesus did not have any of that in his Good News.


  1. Thank you for that. If the real Jesus, as he appeared in reality, showed up today, I have had the feeling he would be arrested as a probable terrorist from a hostile place---no blue eyes and flowing brown locks---he would fit some suspicious profile or other. P

  2. Can Jesus be separated from Western civilization? The rise and success of the West seems very much intertwined with Christianity and it's decline tied to it's abandonment of Christianity. Or are you suggesting that the institutional Church had abandon the core of Jesus's teaching by the early Middle Ages?
