Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Kearney Street

Here is San Francisco in my neighborhood there is a rather ugly street named "Kearney." For about three or four blocks if you look at the buildings from eye level, all is rather in need of some renewal if not facelifting.  BUT, if you walk along and look up, you see all the beautiful designs on the sides at the tops of these same buildings.  So ugly at one level and so beautiful at another.  Of course, it is much harder to walk along with your head tilted backhand eyes raised while not tripping or walking into something/someone.  I find looking up to be a metaphor for prayer.  Life has many easy to see distractions and run of the mill things.  Focus only on the easy to see and experience, and you will miss something more beautiful.  Prayer is the more beautiful, but it takes effort and a conscious decision to look in a particular direction.  Maybe all the builders of the Kearney Street stores, found God somewhere above the fourth floor, and that made all the difference.

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