Sunday, December 23, 2018


Why is gratitude so much a part of the spiritual life?  Think about it.  Gratitude, by its nature is thankful to some one else.  So it easily leads to prayer which connects us to the source of this good stuff we are enjoying.  If I am enjoying sanity, I know that it has not come easily to me.  Left to my own devices, I tend to insanity.  With prayer I get a little more balanced, accepting, patient, kind and compassionate.  This is sanity.  So then I have the prayer of gratitude to whatever gave this to me.  A mother with children underfoot, will go insane, left to her own devices if she is anything like me with no prayer.  “God help me,” can soon become, “Thank you God for this child.”  Prayer is the great connector.  I am grateful to all you who read my blog.  Some who used to read my blog would like me thrown out of the church.  They need more gratitude!

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