Friday, December 7, 2018

The Silence

The Eucharist, Holy Communion, the blessed wafer, is the silence of God and the weakness of God.  So says Carlo Carretto.  In itself, the Eucharist is not powerful.  It does not do anything.  That is the point.  God, as Catholics tend to believe, lets go of power, action, the noise of ongoing creation.  Why?  To teach us that letting go of our desire to be powerful, to get our way, to fix things, might in fact deepen our spiritual life.  Stop trying to run the show and make other people act in a way you want.  Don’t manipulate.  Yet, in this silence, God is available to us, but only if we take the host into us with love, in silence, not babbling about all we want God to do for us.  The power of the Eucharist is released when there is relationship and it is one of love, not utilitarian.  A believer might become a better person if they receive the host with love, and let go of “wanting” stuff.  Just be, and be silent, with the reception.  Then the world might become a bit better place because of the way you relate to others, not with self-will, but with kindness, service, love.  You might do good without complaining.  That would be silence, like god in the Eucharist.   Don’t worry about results.  Be love.  You feel powerless?  Be at peace,  You resemble God in your flesh.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a simple and beautiful post. Thanks, Fr. Terry!
