Tuesday, December 28, 2021

A Plan

 We are coming up on "New Year's Resolutions."  I met a guy once, who said to me, "I have decided to stop drinking."  I said, "What is your plan?"  His plan was to stop going to bars and avoid the liquor store.  That is not a plan.  That is like someone who plants a seed in rocky soil, and does not water it.  It is magical intentions.  Gardening is daily work and not always easy.  If you don't stay on top of it, the weeds, critters in the ground will win out and you will have a mess.  If you intend to be a gardener, maybe get some advice on how to do it from someone who does it well.  So if you are going to make a resolution for 2022, "What is your Plan?"

1 comment:

  1. To take it one day at a time and enjoy the present moment by remembering to wiggle my toes. ;) Keeping it simple has been a godsend.When I pay attention to my posture, I remember my feet are part of it and there you go, wiggle and gratitude.
