Tuesday, April 25, 2023


 Today, I am 80 years a Catholic.  I was baptized on this day at St. Frances of Rome Catholic Church in the upper Bronx.  So for the first four weeks of my life I was not a Catholic.  That meant Limbo if I should die before baptism.  Limbo is adjacent to Animal Heaven.  Both are not quite there, but not real miserable.  The problem with being baptized and then growing up is that Limbo becomes out of reach.  As a Catholic I had to go to mass every Sunday or I would burn unless I went to confession just before the trolley ran me over.  I think non-Catholics have it a lot better.  They are ignorant of the One True Faith and God does not punish much the ignorant.  Maybe just a dunce  cone cap in a corner of the universe, but not fiery hell.  But Catholics know the rules, so if they disobey then off to hell.  There in hell they join other Catholics who “thought for themselves.”  So I wish there was an Adult Limbo because it does not look like I am going to make the cut to get into heaven.