Monday, April 17, 2023

Over Do

People will drink alcohol to feel better, or at least to feel less badly.  If you were thirsty, water would be a better drink than alcohol.  But then sometimes people want to feel better than the better they now feel, as if better than better is real.  What can follow is the slippery slope of overuse.  We do it with other things such as exercise.  We run for a half hour and feel good.  Then we think we will feel twice as good if we run for an hour.  Like too much drinking, too much exercise has us waking up the next day saying, "I will never do that again," or some such mea culpa.  Overuse is the search for oral or physical magic.  Some people find that they can take quite a bit of a bad thing.  They drink too much and exercise too much.  The magic is elusive and imprisoning.  We become addiction-prone.  Now when I am thirsty I drink water.  When I exercise or read or cook or pray, I try to do such in moderation.  I can be addiction-prone.