Friday, May 12, 2023


 Do you try to be good so that someone will like you?  Or forgive you for bad behavior?  So if they feel good about you, then you will feel good about yourself, or at least not so shameful and guilt-ridden?  Phooey on that.  Why not simply be good as a celebration of your being worthy of love?  Love cannot be earned.  Earned love is an oxymoron.  And you don't manufacture being worthy of love.  You simply are worthy.  Bad behavior affects only the outsides or periphery of the self.  Within, you are worthy of love, so you don't have to slowly kill yourself, however you might do that.  Created worth is unreal.  You don't create worth.  It is in your true heart DNA.  Being clueless does not make you unworthy.  It might make you unhappy, not not unworthy of love.  When I wake up I say, " I am lovable!"  On my good days I believe it most of the day.  Oops!  I've said too much.  Imperfection damages guru status.  

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