Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day and today, Happy Anniversary of my 46 years as a priest.  Yes, May 14, 1977 at our Mother Church in New York City, nine of us were ordained Paulist priests.  My Mom was pretty happy that day for sure.  And the next day she got to celebrate Mother's Day.  There were no computers in my life back then.  It was still typewriter time for me.  I am lucky that every place I was assigned was a good one for me and just right for that time.  I had a lot of mentors who taught me new skills that I still use today.  This blog is the result of someone telling there are such things and how to use it in my ministry.  I am not yet retired, but referred to as an active senior just like my Mom was in her 80s.  Happy Day to you all.   


  1. Happy Anniversary, Father Ryan and Happy Mother's Day, world!

  2. I am so thankful for your blog, you are a beacon of love and light. πŸ’«πŸ’–✨️


  3. Happy Anniversary to you a d thank you for the nice Happy Mothers Day greeting Sorry I haven't talked to you but my sister passed away then my brother passed away Andy grandson is suffering with depression 😒 😞

  4. Good morning dear father..

  5. Good morning dear father..

  6. Happy Anniversary, Fr. Terry
