Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Outsides

 When I condemn someone, judge them as deficient, it is because I am judging them by their actions.  It takes no work for me to judge someone by what they do, their outsides.  I see it.  It goes against my sense of right action.  I condemn the person.  But I know nothing of their insides.  There is always much more to someone them what we see.  But that would take time and effort on my part, should the person decide to reveal some of their inner life.  Even then, it is difficult to talk about the inner life for anyone.  I blunder around in these blogs.  The blogs are the outsides trying to express the insides.  A drunk on skid row, drinking a bottle out of of paper bag, all disheveled, may be a saint on the inside if they could find recovery.  I have seen it happen.  

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