Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Showing Up

 Prayer is not to get God to show up and pay attention in my life, but for me to show up in God’s life.  I show up by going within myself to where God always is, uninvited, loving me.  The key that opens  the way into myself is silence, stillness, and surrender of my agenda, my plans.  God know them already, and knows which are good and which are not so good for me.  My ego only knows what it wants, too much of everything on the surface of life.  So my ego is abandoned, but waits on the surface, where trivialities dwell in their discomfort.  I can be quiet but with a busy mind, anxious, away from the NOW present.  God is shy but patient.  God will wait.  But can I keep God waiting, and yet live a fulfilled life?  

1 comment:

  1. I know for myself, that if I don't start my day off with meditation, prayers and some readings (your blog, for one!), the ripple effects it has on my life aren't of the positive variety. I choose to make it my priority. 💖
