Monday, June 27, 2011

The Post Eucharist Eucharist

After mass on Sundays I like to get together with people to talk about our faith, books we are reading, the content of today's Scripture readings, and our relationship to whatever is happening in the local or wider Church. It is a time to share food and thoughts. I call it the post Eucharist Eucharist, as it is connected to feeding on God in our lives.
This is not quite the same as Coffee and Donuts after mass, though that is uplifting in its own way. I love treats! There it is often a bit noisy and the conversation a bit lighter or more in the area of catching up on family issues which has an importance all its own.
Whatever the post Eucharist gathering, my flaw is to drop into gossip, a weakness in me, or to make judgments not so much based up reading and thoughtful reflection, but on my dislike for things not going the way I want.
In the monastery I seem to be able to discipline myself to do a lot of reading, so I bring to the table of conversation a lot of content. In this way I read not just for me, but for the community of persons with whom I gather after the mass. What are you reading and reflecting upon? Is it worth sharing? Do you have a post Eucharist Eucharist gathering in your life?
Oh, beware of people who just want to give you answers. They give me indigestion.

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