Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One Game

Had I judged the local college basketball team from the one game I saw last week, I might want to fire the coach, cancel all scholarships, and disband men's basketball since the team was so dreadful. Well, would I like to be judged or categorized based upon a one time look? Don't we all have bad days, times when we have no energy, can't seem to get it together? I do. Maybe if I saw the team over a period of time and events, I would have a different opinion. God looks at our whole life and not just a one time moment. Am I a basically overall good and caring person? I don't have to be perfect for God. The basketball team won't win every game nor lose every game. Do the best that I can and don't look back reliving those messy moments. Living in self-blame, shame and guilt leaves no place for gratitude that we still have time, and life to live, and that someone loves us always. That someone is God.

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