Sunday, February 12, 2012

Soul Breath

When I think God, not about God, just God, as an awareness, it is when I am noticing that my soul breathes, apart from my lung's breathing. When I go outside at 3:30 AM and look up at the sky, moonless, no street lights, I see all these stars, and say, "Oh my God!" At that moment I am simply aware. Once I begin to think about God, with my mind, that is, to critique, ask for things, question cancer and war, I have moved away from that simple soul-breathing awareness.

Now if I can just rest in this awareness, say with a cup of coffee or tea in my hand, still in the middle of the night, this resting is what can be called "vibrating" with the Presence, the Awareness. Jacob Needleman might be worth reading in this area of thinking God.

1 comment:

  1. "What is called for is not intense concentration,
    with a knitting of the brows, but, rather the opposite, an awakening of the mind without fixing it anywhere, the quietness of pure attention...and so made more aware of God Himself"
    Dom Aelred Graham
