Saturday, March 9, 2013

Global Village Pope

Because modern media communications has allowed the pope to be a teacher for the world, the new pope will have quite an effect on the church.  The pope can say something or do something and in an instant it is news everywhere.  This has its dark side.  In centuries past, when the papacy seemed remote from peoples' lives, a bad, mediocre or ineffectual pope did not have much world wide bang.  Even today, not many Catholics in the street know very much about the Borgia pope, Alexander VI, for example.  If there is a secret report that casts a pall over the goings on in the Vatican, I would think that a few cardinals want to elect someone who will bury it.  Why?  Well, it might effect those very cardinals.  The conclave will be a power struggle between business as usual, with cover ups if necessary, including the Vatican Bank, and on the other side, those who are really outsiders in the cardinal circles and want real reform.  We shall see.


  1. Too bad the formal church can't see that it should model Christ like behavior for the rest of humanity's institutions to live up to instead of providing an excuse for bad behavior - I'm not so bad - look at them . . .

  2. So tell us about the Borgia Pope...

  3. I heard someone characterize this struggle as "Macchiavelli v. the Holy Spirit." Sounds kind of like a pay per view fight to me. Your point about social media's role is right on.

  4. Pope Benedict has given the church this moment in time; a chance to reflect and reform and become a safe and nurturing home for all the children and women and men who are in desperate need around the world. Pray for reform and change; it is our only hope now. Read Mt 5; The sermon on the mount
    Jesus lives!
