Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Intimacy Or Power?

In Matthew 20: 17-28, the sons of Zebedee and their Mom want power.  They want to be on either side of Jesus in his upcoming political kingdom.  It is as if they are angling to become popes or at least cardinals in the political Church.  Jesus says that can can drink from the cup.  We can all go to communion and drink from the chalice.  That does not make you close to Jesus.  You are already close to Jesus, but are unaware, or unawakened.  Closeness you have.  Intimacy is another matter.  Jesus says that it is for the "Father" to decide on that.  In other words, this is God's doing.  You have to wait upon God. How do you go about waiting?  Jesus says that you should avoid being an authority figure, lording it over subjects as do the Roman leaders.  Become a servant of the community.  The Roman Catholic Church decided to follow the Roman secular government model and become authority figures in a top down approach.  You really think Jesus had this in mind?


  1. Hmmmmmmm...
    Good food for thought while the cardinals are doing their thing.

  2. I have been waiting for God, but I am only a servant to my family, no longer the community. Who initiates the transformation; the Lord or the man?

    Waiting for Godot
