Friday, June 27, 2014

Body And Blood

In my church the Sunday worship service is supposed to emphasize that all the worshippers are the one Body and Blood of Christ.  This focus on unity is then to lead us forth to acts of social justice, seeing our Christian unity as part of a larger unity of all God's creation.  Alieve suffering.  Don't be its cause.  This idea, this vision, is beginning to leak into private devotional worship.  Many people focus on receiving Jesus, the Body and Blood, then go home and pretty much ignore the call of being Church in the Modern World.  Church and world do not mix for them.  There is a movement on the part of many to go back to Eucharistic devotion, not a bad thing in itself.  Fro many though, it is a return to the comfort of private religion.  Receive Jesus and feel good.  Gaze at Jesus in the host and feel good.  The suffering world out there, our need to see how we cause it or can comfort/alieve it, is not in view in private devotion.


  1. Recently read that "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile."
    I hear very little preaching on Christian living, these days. Seems most churches aim to make Pharisees.

  2. talkin' to me?
