Monday, June 2, 2014


Now and again I leave a social event because of what I call a "trigger."  This is memory being awakened to a past way of action that I wish not to repeat.  It has nothing to do with what is going on a the present event or people.  A trigger reminds me of a past.  A long time ago, Friday evening after work was time to begin the party with associates.  For me, the party might not end until wee hours of the morning in some other place.  I never run into these situations anymore since I am not in corporate life.  But recently, I was in a meeting. late after noon on a Friday.  I saw some food around and a bunch of alcohol on ice.  Innocent enough for everyone else.  Not so for me.  I felt a dis-ease, a desire to get away.  Why this feeling?  It took a while for me to recognize the trigger.  As we began to socialize, post meeting, I found myself talking to someone about how drinking has changed in society over the years from more to less.  Why was I talking about drinking? The light came on for me.  I left the party.  I went out with a friend for a nice supper and felt very good.  I have found over time that virtue is the absence of vice.  Ignore our triggers to our peril.  I have found it so.


  1. To some extent the less is probably age related, I belonged to the byob generation----who needed that much booze? I guess we tho't we did . One of those drinks now --martinis for me--would be the equivalent of hitting my self on the head with a hammer- Maybe, as with smoking, we now have more information available and are paying attention to our health and quality of life.

  2. The young have plenty of info on drink, smoke, sun, but do it anyway. Knowledge avails us nothing.

  3. I love this! I always need to be reminded that if I feel uncomfortable in ANY situation, there is usually a reason I need to leave. I also need to remember to check my reasons for going places where I might put myself in harm's way of any kind. Thank-you for sharing!
