Sunday, June 21, 2015


Catholics have a Valentine's Day that is not February 14.  It is June 12.  It is when we get to celebrate how much God loves us no matter what we do.  It is called the "Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus."  To non-Catholics it can look kind of weird, I know.  The image is the heart sticking out of Jesus' chest.  That may be a bit over the top, but does not take away from being God's Valentine to us.  Some February 14 Valentine cards are quite weird too.  Anyhow, I am a priest and share with widows, widowers, and single people who might have no special other, that Valentine's day is not so uplifting for us.  Cobwebs in the mailbox so to speak.  So for me, June 12 is a big deal reminder that God never gives up on me even when I am messed up in behavior or action or hard of heart.  God is always loving and never abandons me  The feast day was developed because some really weird people in 17th century France said that God is quite angry and not many people are going to get to heaven.  Gruesome.  And not scriptural or dogmatic.  But that negativity seemed to win the day in many places.  The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the medicine to cure that sick idea.  I need to try and be that kind of a heart in my daily life when people are acting badly around and with me.  Then I will be a sacred heart rather than an angry, resentful and fearful heart.

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