Monday, March 7, 2016


I think it is one thing to pursue one's plans, agenda, happiness and such.  I do this.  But in order to avoid me-ism, to remain on an even emotional plain, I need to have these things as preferences in my day.  If some evil force tries to prevent my plans, I need the courage to get up and try again.  On the other hand, when I get resentful about my agenda not working out, get jealous/envious of others, make life miserable for myself and others by some emotional binge, then this is not OK.  This is what I call me-ism.  I waste a lot of energy by getting upset and resentful.  I have a worse day currying resentment than simply some acceptance with my agenda not working out.  Caregiving can cure you of this.  Some very nice and loving people have agenda and needs that trump my plans.

1 comment:

  1. the irony of this entry defies coincidence. probably not but thank you!!
