Friday, February 25, 2022

A Description

 We are often encouraged to focus on our shortcomings and work on them.  “Avoid false pride!”  “Stop judging others and look at your own mess!”  All this can get pretty depressing.  I mean those faults don’t seem to go away, do they?  So why not look each day at what is right and good and talented about yourself.  Religion tells us the be humble. Focus on our sins.  Well take some time each day for that, but also spend some time building self-esteem.  Don’t wait for others to praise you.  God made you and said, “It is good.”  

1 comment:

  1. A dear friend of mine says, "God doesn't make junk". It was a stepping stone when I discovered that included me as well. Thanks so much, Father Ryan, for the reminder! Stay warm and hugs across the miles
