Monday, May 30, 2022

Hey Out There

 We sometimes wish that people would just leave us alone.  Stop bothering us.  So they do leave us alone.  Then we get upset, or at least I do feel a bit uneasy.  Too much alone.  No one is paying attention to me.  I am not important or needed.  Maybe insignificant?  If this thinking takes over then my worst behavior acts up.  I make some absurd attempt to make myself the center of attention.  Fantasy can do this.  An attempt to manipulate some scenario by people-pleasing can do this.  The wanting to be left alone, unbothered, and then to wanting attention, are both all about me.  One solution is to stop paying attention to me as central to the universe.  Mediation ignore this dependent “ME” and recognizes a relationship that is always here.  

1 comment:

  1. When I read this a photo mosaic came to mind. I'm still a part of but a tiny part of the larger whole that is together. Thanks for the beautiful, and vivid, reminder Father Ryan. I hope it's a been a good time traveling!
