Sunday, May 1, 2022

May Day

 May One is referred to as May Day.  For many people it calls us to Spring, to getting outside, to getting into the budding of nature in mid-Spring.  What is waiting for you outside is the silence of nature.  It is the silence away from shopping and traffic.  Nature is very active with new life, sap flowing within trees, leaves stretching out, flowers beginning to peak up at the sun, and at you. But so little noise to do so much work.  How about you?  Can you be of little noise, even better, no noise.  Stop in the midst of nature, let her arms of silence embrace you.  This silence is the real, the lasting.  We, in our noise, are mere interruptions.  We will pass on no matter how bustling, busy, productive we are with our voices, our tools, our anxieties to accomplish.  We so want to be heard, for we fear insignificance, being ignored.  Silence does not mean no one is listening, nor that no one cares.  Be still.  You are loved.  

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