Saturday, November 26, 2022

Empty Void

 Some of us have an "empty void" inside us.  We try to fill it up with "more."  It can be stuff we buy, things we ingest, changing our outside look, partnering up or sex focus.  None of it works.  These do not touch the insides.  Friendships that are selfless, helping others, meditation, gardening, cooking, walks for absorbing nature can all be what feeds the insides.  I know if I am filling the empty void or not by my attitude to people, places, and situations in my life.  Resentful, judgmental, whining, self-pity, irritable, restless, are all signs that I am still empty.  Each day, I must attend to filling myself with that which will make me free.  And a little happy and joyful.  

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