Thursday, November 10, 2022

The In-Between

 People get down on themselves when they relapse from good behavior.  If they get so filled with shame, guilt, failure, they may not recover.  So I try to remind people about the good they did between relapses.  Even dry, they did better than stark raving drunk!  And any sobriety is better than none.  This may move them toward emotional sobriety, as well as physical.  And if they wish they were dead, I remind them that others have a different opinion and love them now.  Maybe they will love themselves later after doing some positive things "with others."  I don't think it is a good idea to emphasize time sober.  Especially if you have a lot of it.  Emphasize today.  It keeps us all even as we trudge that happy road of destiny.  


  1. I try to remember what having 11 hours, 11 days or 11 weeks, etc. felt like. Not only does it keep me in 24 hours at a time but makes me a better listener. That makes me available on a different level to others, and even to myself and God. I'm so thankful for you and your blog, Father Ryan. ❤️

  2. PS and no, I don't have near 11 years yet
