Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Forever Dawn

 I have a sense of my smallness when I look out at the stars before the dawn.  At the ocean especially, the clear sky can be the best.  While I have been sleeping or ignoring the Creator, the stars keep attending to their maker.  And when the dawn comes and passes I realize that it is only passing for me and for everyone on this small planet.  It is always dawn somewhere in this universe for God to enjoy.  There are many planets and many suns.  What gives me joy, solace, and peace is that this God would pay any attention to me.  As tepid  and thoughtless as I might be on any given day, God is here, patient and loving.  My God can be everywhere and yet right here.  So I won’t try so hard today to be important, but rather loving, and attentive to others even if they ignore me.  My smallness need not be an obstacle to love.  

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