Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Guide For Living

I am not sure I know what a "guide for living" is in its internal workings, but I do know it when I see it.  The results are what I can see.  I see a person go from fearful to relaxed, from feeling like an outsider, to feeling a part of something, some group.   I see a person who is always critical, judgmental, resentful, and whining about the state of the world, who then become accepting, helpful, understanding, compassionate and into solutions.  I know they have found a "guide for living."   I have to be diligent about my guide for living.  When I wake up, I have to have gratitude and then ask for some help in specific issues.  I don't even get out of bed until I have prayed a bit and brought my guide for living into focus.  Though the body may rest in needed sleep, the mind can become forgetful.  Assume nothing of yesterday's practice flowing into today.  But then, I am a difficult case.