Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Other Side

 When faced with something new or different from our routines, we can become frightened.  Example: making a move geographically or internally.  If you are moving from what you know, “home,” be it your routines or physical space, you fear giving up your comfort zone.  The move seems overwhelming, until you get to the other side of it.  So break the move down into little pieces on a daily basis.  Sort out some of your possessions, what will move and what will be given away or tossed out.  Do a little each day.  One day, pick up some boxes for packing, or call a mover.  Pack something each day until everything is packed or gone.  Then the move is inevitable.  It is the same with an internal move.  It is why people going to a Recovery meeting or Church for the first time, walk in at the last minute, sit near the exit, in the back and hunker down.  They are getting to the other side of their fear, one step at a time.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the wonderful visuals along with your guidance ❤️
