Monday, March 18, 2024

St. Patrick’s Day

 Did you wake up with a hangover this morning?  Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day.  How did you start the day?  Did you make a resolution to not drink yesterday?  Or did you plan on where and with whom you would drink yesterday?  Either way, you have a hangover.  It’s a good time to assess the situation.  For one, people who can take or leave alcohol generally don’t have a problem with it.  They don’t make plans to drink or avoid drinking.  So, if you said you were not going to drink, but came up with no alternative, or just blew it off half-way through the day, then you may very well have a problem with alcohol.  The pain of a hangover can be a benefit if it pushes you towards trying a different solution, not based upon your inadequate will-power when it comes to alcohol.  If you can find your cell phone, look up Alcoholics Anonymous.  They have admitted defeat and found a way to avoid hangovers.