Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Twofer

The Pope says that you cannot have Christ without the Church.  I think I know what he means theologically and sacramentally.  But the real world is full of people who have Christ, but have given up on the Church as an institution of power.  Without the sacraments, something of grace is very mcuh missing, I grant you.  But how many of the ordained have used sacraments as a reward/punishment for following/not following rules of the institution?  How many political and culture war sermons, petty priest opinions and prejudices, have driven people away from the sacraments?  Christ does not abandon anyone.  He will find a Way even for those Catholics who absent themselves from church buildings.  Christ is the Way.  There may be more paths to follow that Way than the hierarchy is willing to admit.


  1. Thank you for putting words to what I have been thinking for many years. I still go to Mass and receive the sacraments but I do not necessarily agree with the way the church hierarchy address us and try to manipulate us. I try to follow Jesus' teachings not those of a controlling church.

  2. Yes I agree with anonymous. There is a disconnect that is real. I pray that the church will find its Way.
