Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Word

There is a bible story of how there were thousands of people come to listen to Jesus.  Well, it got way past lunch time, into evening and there was just a few loaves of bread and some fish.  What to do?  Jesus took what was there, and said a blessing.  Then he gave this little food to the disciples to hand out, and everyone had enough to eat.  How did this happen?  The key is the blessing.  Jesus spoke a word and food became present.  Say what?  In Genesis, God speaks.  It is called the Word.  The Word is the expression of God.  In Christian circles it is the Second Person of the Trinity, but let that be for now.  When the Word is spoken, something comes into being.  God says, "Let there be light."  Light happens.  Before that, there was darkness.  When I say "let there be light" I go turn on a switch or push a button.  I don't make light.  I don't create it.  When I see the morning light, I say it is light.  I am describing light, not creating it.  Back to Jesus.  He is the Word, or so Christians believe from John's Gospel.  When Jesus speaks, as in a blessing of food, he makes food happen.  The feeding of the many people points to who Jesus is.  Only the Word, God, can make something from nothing.  It is called creation.

1 comment:

  1. Father Terry
    Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.............Psalm 119:105
