Saturday, June 8, 2013


Today I awoke earlier than usual.  There was something in my eye and I could not get back to sleep.  Then I remembered that it is a new moon and the stars would be magnificant if I went outside now.  So I got up, wide awake, and went out to see the Power of the Universe at work.  It is magnificent.  A bonus was a full two second shooting star.  So silent and still, this night, and this Power.  But both are real to me.  Then I realized that this is an anniversary for me, 28 years.  What a great way to begin the celebration.  There was nothing in my eye.  It was just a way for the God of my life to get me out of bed and see the universe at work.  I went for a cup of coffee.  I saw a cross.  In my faith, this great Power gave up power.  A powerless power.  I know what that means.  I remember exactly where I was 28 years ago to this day, and who I was with, what we were doing.  I forget a lot of things, but I have never forgotten that moment in a Viena bar.  There were three of us.  Whenever I think my life is a mess, going in circles, I can recall that one of the three of us is now dead.  It isn't me.  Life is a gift.  I am living it on a star-filled night.


  1. If it wasn't for your posts on Facebook I would simply go mad. Is it 28yrs as a priest? Keep the thoughts coming, you are a voice of wisdom, clarity and inspiration in this crazy, over stimulated, over social media-tized world.
    love, little terry

  2. Fr Terry,
    Have you ever considered writing your memoirs?
    The spiritual seeker is certainly ready for you.
    I am thinking of a Thomas Merton Seven Story Mountain perhaps. You might begin with a bar in Austria many years ago and take us to your youth in New York and your spiritual journey. I recall some lovely homilies about your sister, Maureen and heck you could write an entire chapter about her! Just an idea....
    Thanks for your daily thoughts

  3. That is a beautiful sentiment, thank you for sharing, and for your honesty.

  4. "To those who live in faith, everything they see speaks of that future world, the very glories of nature, the sun, moon and stars and the richness and beauty of the earth, teaching the invisible things of God". Newman Thanks Fr.T
