Wednesday, June 19, 2013


People who are recovering from an addiction, or trying to, learn that there are three stages to recovery, so says Bill W.  At first they do something good for themselves, but it is out of necessity.  It is not a free virtuous act.  Do good or die is hardly a free choice unless you want to stay crazy.  Some people, many in fact, do choose to stay crazy.  After some necessary choices, these recovering people do good because they know they ought to do good.  More freedom here, as they decide to attend a meeting, do steps, help others, pray, not out of sheer necessity, but because they have learned this is what they ought to do.  Finally, they do all this and more because they want to do it.  They want to do the will of the Power that saved them from misery.  For all of us, wanting to turn our will over to God is a process of growth, with backsliding, at times.  After all, we are not saints.  Well, you aren't.  I am.  Oh!  There is that spiritual pride again.  I "must" do something about this.


  1. Aren't you a two on the Enneagram? Their "sin" is pride. Interesting......

  2. Father Terry,
    "Wanting to turn our will over to God, is a process of growth" is definately the thought for the day. I guess I'll need more help in how to do this. Is there an instruction manual for this process? How do I begin?
