Monday, March 10, 2014


Seems Pope Francis has improved the attitude of many people about the Catholic Church and its direction.  Behavior of the people has not changed.  They may feel better about the Church, but they are not going back to church.  When someone decides to go back to church they still must face the fellow in the pulpit, at the altar, on the other end of the phone, if he even answers the phone.  If the priest could speak the vernacular so that he could be understood, gave a homily that is brief, based upon the scripture, and with a positive message of how we could live our daily life, that might trump even a bad Borgia pope.  As the ad says, "It's not that complicated."


  1. Amen. How much more enjoyable church would be.

  2. Ohhhh boy, do I agree with this. And you are doing exactly what you say. Thank you.

    1. I have given up on all these things. The Church continues to survive despite it all----those in charge are no longer the most and only well educated. Could a holy and well enlightened laity be keeping us afloat not because of our leaders , but in spite of them ---this is my belief …There are Saints amidst us and they are most likely the laity
