Monday, March 17, 2014

The Times

A church prelate said that gay unions make him feel uncomfortable.  I suspect that a Plantation Owner would be uncomfortable having dinner at the same table with a free black person in Charleston, SC in the mid-nineteenth century.  Sometimes we are just not ready for a change.  Whenever I am uncomfortable about something or someone, I have to ask myself how much of this is about me and how much is it about the person or event.  Sometimes we label the outsides with "wrong" or "bad" when in fact a lot of it is about change for which we are not ready.  Time will tell.


  1. The time is St. Patrick's Day - a day for celebrating heritage, but lamenting that much of the celebration is carried out with excessive drinking.

    I would rather remember that the Irish were the builders and growers of the early US. Here's to the Irish, poets, playwrights, builders, and dreamers all. Thank you.
