Friday, September 7, 2018

Less Wrong

When I hear people talk about God, they often say, “I am right” in so many words.  That is, everyone who is not of their persuasion is wrong.  But are not all words about God inadequate?  God is beyond all words to describe God.  God is beyond concepts and images.  So say the Contemplatives. I like to think of myself growing in the “Knowledge” of God as becoming “less wrong.”  I start out knowing nothing and over time I become less wrong.  It keeps me a bit humble and opens to me listen to others who have different ideas or paths, because we are all somewhat wrong, so maybe they can help me to become less wrong by their spiritual experience.  This is good for interfaith dialogue, for sure.  It might keep us from condemning and killing one another.  I have heard people in recovery programs say that “I have this program all figured out.”  Humility, where art thou?  I think that having things all figured out is a mask for fear.  I don’t have things all figured out, but I am trying to become less wrong.

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