Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Enemy

On page 145 of the Big Book of Alcoholic Anonymous it says: "The greatest enemies of  us alcoholics are resentment, jealousy, envy, frustration and fear."  You might say, "Doesn't everyone have those enemies or issues some more than others?"  Maybe so, but alcoholics will either find a way to deal with these enemies or they will drink, and for them to drink is to die.  Maybe on the way to dying will be two other "Ds" debt and divorce.  They will leave a lot of destruction of relationships as they on on the way out.  Normal drinkers don't have that steep a decline I suppose.  But the important thing for all of us is we need to find a solution for the emotional enemies in our life.  AA has it for alcoholics.  My humble opinion is that whatever the solution it will have some spiritual dimension.  Knowledge about your issues, the triggers that inflame them, and so on, will not be enough.  Inside help is what will add a most important ingredient to our recovery from emotional binges or our prevention from letting them tyrannize us.

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