Monday, September 24, 2018

Outrun Your Demons

I run outdoors a couple of days a week, but there is a daily run I also do.  The daily run is to "outrun my demons."  Say what?  The inner demon tells me that I am useless.  Aging can be ripe for this demonic message.  Or when we think we have failed at something or not done a good enough job as in "I am a bad parent, worker, friend."  We get that sense of being useless.  It is a lie which is why I call it demonic.  It wants to keep us from getting up and doing some kindness, being of service, overcoming our isolation.  Giving is a way out.  Being of service to another person, place or situation is a way out of feeling useless.  Writing a blog, even if it gets no "like" hits, is one way that I outrun my demons.  Take out the trash.  Empty a dishwasher.  And try to say "yes" when someone wants to talk with me.  Absolutely no "like" hits for a blog?  Well, that might be a time when the demon wins!

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