Sunday, December 8, 2019

Compare And Contrast

Too often we tend to decide how we are doing by what others say or seem to think about us.  Think of the “widow’s mite.”  In comparison with what others were giving, her two cents did not seem like much.  If she were comparing and contrasting herself with others, then she might think she is not giving much and therefore is not much.  But as the story goes, she is giving all that she has.  She is giving from a heart of trust and hope.  She is not looking good to those around her, if they even noticed her.  But if she ignores public opinion, or communal opinion, she may feel she is doing quite well.  So it is with us.  Do what we can do.  Age, illness, economics, tragedy are just some of the things which affect our limits, our abilities.  So don’t compare and contrast.  Doing a little may not be so little after all.

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