Saturday, December 28, 2019

Non-Healing Wound

I fell November 19 in San Francisco.  I continue to deal with it.  The one foot long cut on my forearm was healing quite nicely, I thought.  There was one discolored round area with a bit of a bump but no leakage.  I come to LA and boom, that area opens up and stuff comes out.  Grows red.  Off to Urgent Care in LA again. This stuff always seems to happen when I am away from Boulder doctors.  “A Non-Healing Wound” is what I have.  The doctor squeezed all the mess out of it.  Ouch! So now I am back to bandage wrap and anti-biopics.  Good News?  Yes, I was pro-active.  I did not put it off until I got back to Boulder.  I now have specific wound care instructions as to when to do what and wrap when and so on.  I like a plan and not one of my own making in areas where I may know little, like medicine and wounds.  It is important to know when we are in over our head and self-care is not the answer.  In a sense, I am into wound recovery.  Again! Put me on your prayer list, if you are praying.


  1. You are in my prayers Father Ryan and may God bless you on the road of recovery.

    PS There will be chocolate waiting for you when you get back to Boulder ;)

  2. Praying for you to be 100% healthy very soon!
