Friday, December 6, 2019


Having stuff, or materialism, is not bad on any spiritual journey.  So don’t beat yourself up about how much stuff you have.  Rather, ask yourself what is your motive for it?  Is it greed? Is your mantra, “More?”  In any spiritual practice we get to reflect here and there on our material stuff, the reputation we are fostering, the manner in which we judge others in wealth.  The solution is not to become mendicants unless you feel called to be a St. Francis of Assisi.  But just not let ourselves lie to ourselves about why we have all our stuff.  Honesty is an essential virtue in any interior growth.  Things are not evil in themselves.  The world is good as Genesis seems to believe.  Just make sure that you do not put a notice on the door of your heart that says, “No admittance for the Spirit, or the Really Real.”

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