Thursday, June 4, 2020


A women mystic once said, “If you would have all, you must give all.”  Another way of saying this is, “The measure by which you measure will be measured back to you.”  I have found that if I react, treat people in a certain way, then I will have a corresponding response from them, unless they are truly debilitated.  Taking inventory of my life, in all honesty, I have found that most of my troubles have been largely of my own making.  And many of the things that I thought most unfortunate to my plans, turned out to be quite beneficial because of the attitude I exhibited in the circumstances.  In a nutshell, if I want love, then I have to give love.  Yes, there are exceptions, but I don’t make exceptions become the rule.  Then I simply blame and play victim day after day.  I used to simply wash my hands of things that did not go my way, and often missed out on some really good things.  When insane, I make bad choices, but when sane I am able to discern where I have to give more to get more.  It is called a spiritual path.  How sober do you want to get?

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