Sunday, July 11, 2021


 Yesterday was almost a complete failure.  My techie/director/producer of zoom talks, and I, thought that an in person/zoom hybrid talk on the front lawn of the monastery would draw a lot of the local people.  The flowers are in bloom, and we had our Aspen trees for some shade, homemade treats and drink refreshments.  We were ready.  Two local people showed up.  And we could not get the technology for youtube to work outside.  We just don't have the equipment capability given our limited internet wiring.  It was a wonderful talk, so said the two attendees, but almost nothing got recorded or actually transmitted to those who joined via computer.  As an Ivy League MBA graduate in marketing, I thought I knew my market.  Turns out, I have no friends, but two, in the local region.  So if I become a hermit, I won't be missed.  Plus, I have downsized my prayer list, dropping all the locals who did not come.  And since we had so many uneaten treats, the monastery has lots of sweets to celebrate the Feast of St. Benedict which is today.  And since no one heard my wonderful talk I can give it again some day on zoom, on my computer screen from my room. I won' have to get all dressed up either.  So I guess there is always a silver lining.  


  1. I love that you found multiple silver linings and perhaps the 4 in attendance (I'm including the techie and you) were the ones who needed to hear it the most. ;) Sometimes forced 'baby steps' prove to be a gift. I hope you're still wearing your huge scarf to receive a daily reminder that you're getting daily hugs across the miles and that you are a light for others no matter what. I miss you but also hear from your blog that you are right where you are meant to me. Enjoy the wonderful treats today without all of the prep! :)

  2. I am sure you are right where you need to be. The Lord is sending you (and us) a message that He is in control and sometimes He takes us in directions we re not ready for and not happy with (at the time). I have been there and done that... Sending lots of prayers!

  3. Fr. Terry, You DO have friends and people who love to hear your talks and who have come to Aspen and Carbondale to hear you in the past. So, don't doubt that at all! You are well loved and revered.
