Monday, July 26, 2021


 When I judge someone harshly, as in they are a complete mess, I am ignoring their gifts.  I am shutting out a part of them from my view and focusing only on what I see as the mess.  When I can see that they have some gifts too, then my judgment begins to lose some of its energy and its power to keep me in a negative frame of mind.  As it has been said, "Why am I letting someone live rent free in my head, and emotional life?"  Often, I have found that what I see as negative is something that presses a button in me from a past life experience.  Someone does not say hello to me as they pass me, nor gives me a smile.  Ah!  Abandonment issues!  And so it goes.  So today, with the help of a Power greater than me, I will let people be, and judge them not.  

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