Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Walk

 Early in the morning at the monastery after I sit in quiet meditation, I go out for a walk on our road.  On one side of the road is a hill with various bushes and trees, different colors budding forth depending on the season.  The occasional deer eat breakfast there too.  On the other side of the road is the ranch field which in season is all green with cattle grazing.  In the winter, all is white snow covered.  I call it my walk in the “chapel of nature.”  Often it is a prayerful time of musing on the divine presence as I clap or wave to whatever flower has just come forth.  There is an early morning scent to all this, before the sunshine comes and lifts it away.  See if you can find your own chapel of nature wherever you are.  And don’t walk so fast that you miss something.  It is not about aerobics, but about transformation.  Happy trails!

1 comment:

  1. I love this and the visual & peaceful feeling of connection it brings. Thank you, Father Ryan. :) Happy trails!
