Thursday, September 15, 2022


I try to avoid being a hypocrite when I preach.  A hypocrite can be someone in my profession who does not confess to the inability to live up to their own words.  I have heard a preacher of two who said to do something and I thought, "But they don't do that."  Maybe I am wrong or judgmental.  So when I preach, I seem to admit my shortcoming in something I am "supposed" to be doing, but fail to do."  I often end up talking about God's love and mercy in the face of my disastrous and mediocre life.  My preaching does not much appeal to really pious people.  Nor do I appeal to people who want a holy priest who they can admire.  My crowd seems to be persons who are not so much trying to get holy, as trying to find hope in living with their own shortcomings and struggles.  I journey with the imperfect.   


  1. I find your honesty, willingness, hope, faith, acceptance and action to be just what this imperfect person needs. It all helps me grow with an open heart, what can I say? Thank you, that's what. :)

  2. One of the times you visited St. John XXII in Knoxville your homily was about your sister Maureen. Tell us more about her.

  3. I am one of the imperfect

  4. Thanks for being you!
