Sunday, September 25, 2022


 The new buzzword from the Pope, Francis I, is "synodality."  Say what?  The root of the word is syn-odos which means "a shared journey."  Nowadays in our culture we seem to want to share journeys or anything else only with people just like us.  We don't care to engage the "other side" of an opinion or belief that we have.  We label people from a distance and remain ignorant because we never engage them, never listen to them.  The pope is not interested in professional disciples, ordained or otherwise, so much as he is interested in everyone getting involved in issues of our world, such as climate, refugees, food shortages.  He is not much for "us versus them."  This is why he stays open for engaging Russian and Chinese leaders of government.  Synodality wants all people involved in decisions, not just a government hierarchy.  Unfortunately, the hierarchy is not so much interested.  Separation preserves power.  Change threatens it.